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Tales of a Mountain Mamma

Our family’s inaugural bikepacking escapade with the Earth and Kin Foundation was an absolute blast from start to finish! With Devan leading the way, we embarked on a thrilling ride along the scenic Bear Creek Path, ultimately arriving at our campsite nestled within the state park. Despite the nearly 10-mile ride, the journey seemed a breeze thanks to Devan’s expert guidance.

The real heroes of the adventure were undoubtedly our kids, who embraced the unique experience of staying in a yurt, even amidst a gentle rainfall. Their enthusiasm was infectious, and after the ride to camp, they eagerly hit the single track for more biking fun after settling into their cozy bunks. The all-terrain Mule was a game-changer, effortlessly hauling our car camping essentials and a steaming thermos of soup that warmed our hearts and bellies.

Anxiety had crept in prior to the trip, worrying about potential hiccups—kids struggling on the ride or not wanting to pedal back home. To our delightful surprise, they conquered the challenges with gusto, showcasing an unexpected determination and leaving my worries far behind.

Of course, no adventure is complete without its share of comical mishaps. Persistent rain and a clash with backpacking cuisine tested our resolve. A minor oversight on my part meant we lacked enough supplementary meals, and my eldest sported my base layers due to an unforeseen growth spurt. Our youngest managed to soak not only her own but also the extra pair of outgrown clothes. Yet, these blips were mere anecdotes amidst the joyous laughter that echoed through the trip. As we pedaled back, waterlogged shoes included, the thrill of the journey eclipsed any minor discomfort.

“….we have made it through to Colorado!u0022
– @reanimateordie
“They love it! We are so impressed with the high quality components!”
– @abbsroad
“Bumming around with @earthandkinproducts mule”
– @lostsierraflyguide
u0022I love things that multifunction and this does it well.u0022
– @mattmccourtney
“….allows me to get deeper into the national park.”
– @1sickfish
“HOLY HECK. What a solid beast of a carrying system.”
– @reanimateordie
“First adventure….feed the mules in NW Wyoming!”
– Martina K.
“I’m very impressed with ur cart….Stoops agrees”
– Josh W.

One unforgettable moment occurred during our return, as our youngest triumphantly hailed an exhilarating downhill stretch as the “best downhill of her life,” following a triumphant climb. Alongside the biking excitement, the kids stumbled upon a lifeless snake, and their handlebar bags are now home to a peculiar pair of crab claws—a testament to their curious explorations.

Our hearts brim with gratitude towards Earth and Kin for granting us this extraordinary adventure. Through unexpected twists and turns, the journey underscored the resilience of familial bonds and the pure joy of shared escapades. With our trusty MULE trailer in tow, we’re ready and eager for the countless upcoming adventures that await.

Behind the scenes: Meet Devan!


If you’ve ever called e+k headquarters, you talked to Devan. And if you talked to Devan, you likely came away feeling less anxious about your day and a bit more optimistic as well. That’s Devan! Officially she serves as the Creative Director of Customer Experience for earth+kin. Unofficially Devan is a core part of the marketing team, working with our new Lifestyle Program participants, magazine reviews, and attempts to teach founders Bryce and Kurt how Meta and Instagram work. Devan is also the Acting Director of the earth+kin Foundation, where her heart truly lies. With a diverse background spanning Sport and Performance Psychology, Wilderness Guiding, Behavioral Health, and Customer Support, she began leading trips for the foundation this summer and has her sights set on growing those trips x5 in the summer of 2024!

So where does someone so amazing come from? Wisconsin of course! We’re pretty sure Wisconsin is known for only three things: Cheese, nice people and Miller High Life, in that order. Devan went on to play Division one collegiate soccer while studying Psychology and Business Administration, earning the Women’s Senior Scholar-Athlete of the Year Award. She then pursued a Master’s degree in Sport and Performance Psychology, where she specialized in the mental skills integral to enhancing well-being—such as stress management, focus improvement, resilience, communication, and perspective shifting—skills best honed through experiential settings, such as sports or the outdoors….thus her passion for the earth+kin Foundation trip leading.

Outside of earth+kin, Devan serves as the Program Director for Sacred Cycle, a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering female survivors of sexual trauma through therapy and mountain biking, fostering recovery, personal growth, and community. In her leisure time, she enjoys all things outdoors, such as hiking, road tripping, camping, backpacking, bikepacking, snowboarding, and more, all with her sweet Australian Shepherd mix, Gunnison, by her side. Fun Fact: Devan has spent 45 consecutive days in the backcountry ocean canoeing along Southeast Alaska’s coastline (Encountering 10 bears along the way!).

Devan looks forward to assisting you with any earth+kin questions you may have or leading a conversation about the mental tools and benefits that can be found by spending time in nature. 

Ferns smell good and 10 more reasons you should take a hike

A blog post about our artist collaboration with Kalea Applegate

Ferns smell good and 10 more reasons you should take a hike

Waking up in a fairy field: what you need to know

I got lost in the woods dropping my kid off at camp: what I learned


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